Meet the Developer

Meet your upcoming Web Developer.

Imagine Nozipho Mtshali, a fresh-faced web developer bursting into the tech scene with boundless enthusiasm and a hunger for knowledge. Eager to dive into junior or entry-level tech roles, Nozipho Mtshali is driven by an insatiable thirst to learn and grow. But that's not all – she's a communication wizard, effortlessly weaving ideas and fostering collaboration within the team.

Now in a recent project, Nozipho Mtshali emerged as the glue holding everything together showcasing her ability for meaningful contribution and teamwork. With Nozipho Mtshali's infectious energy and knack for collaboration, she's not just a candidate – she's the game-changer your team has been waiting for. Recruiters, notice her!

Weather App

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, API

Seamlessly blending HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I bring you this cool weather app.It comes with a current forecast of up to five days.

Weather App

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Seamlessly blending HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I bring you this cool weather app.It comes with a current forecast of up to five days.

Smoothie App

yogurt image

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Whip up some healthy shots with our smoothie recipe page! Packed with some tasty easy to make home recipes, get yourself blending and treat yourself to a sip of goodness!